Saturday, September 28, 2013


You know....sometimes in life it is just quiet. There is no breaking story news, no brilliant idea, no breathtaking views, just life. Life that goes on minute by minute with some good days, some bad, and some categorized as meh days. There are no awe inspiring statements but rather just a life lived to serve. Quiet.. I do not mind (it just doesn't give to much to write about), most days.

Quiet when you are home alone and only the refrigerator is running in the background. Quiet when everyone else has gone to bed but you are lying awake in your own, quiet when you are hand-stitching on the quilt. Quiet give me time to think, time to reflect, and time to pray. It is a time when I am completely relaxed. 

But quiet can also be disconcerting, uncomfortable. I have found the quiet times in life can often be times where my patience is stretched for wait, not yet, and no seem to be the answers to the many questions that I have for God. So what can I do...I trust. Trust that God has got my back. Trust that he will and currently is working out my story. Trust that even when the world throws punches to the face, I am safe. Trust after picking myself off the ground, I have the strength to continue. I am loved. I am a child of God. So...I will trust. I will wait. I will be quiet. But I will not back down.